Tuesday, April 25, 2006


In her famous book, Frankenstein, Mary Shelley wrote about a scientist who worked for nearly two years, depriving himself of rest and health for the sole purpose of infusing life into an inanimate body. The scientist was infatuated with the idea of creating the best human being possible. He selected the strongest limbs and human parts to create a beautiful human, but when life was finally bestowed upon the creature, breathless horror and disgust filled the heart of its creator. To look at the creature’s shriveled complexion, dull eyes, convulsive motions and yellow skin that barely covered its deformed muscles was unbearable. How can you describe the emotions of the creator with this catastrophe? The outcome caused the beauty of his dream to vanish. Despite his good intentions, the scientist had created a monster.

In real life, outcomes can be unpredictable catastrophes if we do not integrate all of the necessary elements that nature demands to establish its natural order. We can ruin our lives and become obese, develop cancer and chronic illneses if we don't apply correctly nature's law. The imaginary monster of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is a good example of what tragedy may ensue when nature is knowingly and irresponsibly defied.

To understand nature's law, we have to learn from our past experiences and from other people's experiences. However, if we dwell only on our thoughts and previous experiences, then we will live a limited life. People who spend all their time talking about their unhappiness become unhappier. People who talk about discord, will become more discordant. But those who live in harmony with their family and community will enrich themselves and other. Eventually, learning from different cultures, philosophies and schools of thoughts, we will understand that all human limitations are inventions of our own ignorance of nature's law.

Imagine what would happen if just once the soil, electricity or gravity failed to function according to nature's law. Our faith in nature makes us confident that when we plant an apple seed, the result is going to be an apple tree and not an orange tree. Like a variety of seeds, each of us is biologically different and our environments vary, affecting the extent of our physical and mental fitness. However, we can achieve positive results in our physical training if we do it right - first, develop your core muscles which are the fundation for fitness and good posture.

What are the core muscles? Did you know that your core is where all movement in your body originates? The core muscles of your body is your center of gravity. Strong core muscles — abdominal, back and pelvis — provide support to your spine for everything from walking, lifting and standing to sitting. Strong core muscles are the foundation for sustaining health and fitness, however they are often neglected. Most people have weak core muscle, which are the cause of many injuries, poor posture and lower back pain and injury - the atrophy of the body.

In this respect, the imaginary monster of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is a good example of what could happen when nature is erroneously defied, what could happen when we abuse our bodies with junk food, stress and strenuous exerceses. If we apply nature's law correctly, monsters should exist only in novels, not in real life.

More about Core Training at www.mastermoves.com.

Why Does Beauty Vanish?
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Blogger Core Training said...

Special thanks to all who made this blog possible. Thanks for your support!

12:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If we were asked to do one thing to improve our fitness level, core training is "numero uno". Great article!

12:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice article...here is my answer: Beauty vanishes when we eat junk food.

9:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great article. Beauty is not just physical.

9:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very thought provoking article. What you hope for can only become a reality by what you put into it! I just wanted to "say" beauty comes in many forms such as an answer to prayer. I was in an auto accident over ten years ago and suffered a whiplash. I suffered constant pain (esp. as I got older), lost jobs because of injury, or "known" back pain, lost hope (I was only in my twenties)...I came to the MasterMoves website. I was in a spiritual/physical dilemna. My body started "weakening" because I couldn't excercise without pain. I was becoming depressed because I couldn't go to sleep without pain and I was becoming hopeless as to an answer. After reading Oswald's personal testimony, it gave me new hope. I didn't have to suffer if I made the choice not to give up. His program works. It was different in that this program started with core muscle training. I would not be going back to the gym agonizing in pain! Results were slow and steady, but REAL. After a year of using the core muscle training excersises, my constant neck and back pain has lessened considerably. I even lifted heavy boxes and emptied out my in-laws moving van! My mother is now interested in the core development program. Answer to a prayer? I consider that to be beauty!

5:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beauty vanishes when we don't understand the layers it is comprised of, and when we don't nourish or cultivate it at each of these levels.

5:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our creator (my belief) created Man to function in a certain way. Not only was a body bestowed upon Man, but also a spirit, and a soul. The three distinct "layers" (body, spirit, and soul) of Man was created in such a way that each was to function together harmoniously and in syc with each other. When Man's body was created, it was meant to be nourished with vitamins and minerals found in fresh vegetables, seeds, and fruits straight from the earth (not a lab). The body was meant to be excercised daily. Man's spirit/soul would also need nuturing through daily interaction with others on an intimate level. But, Man decided that the natural law could be improved upon. Man decided to come up with "tastier" and more "convinient" foods ~ processed and refined foods to make life easier. Now Man has many diseases and health problems resulting from poor nutritional habits: diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, etc. Man also decided that every new technology was a miracle, a must have, such as the automobile (instead of walking or biking) the television set(instead of reading or talking with family and friends), the cell phone (instead of calling it a day and resting), the computer (instead of reading books), all in the name of making life easier. Now Man is not required to have personal relationships if He so chooses. The result of all of Man's miracle technology? Isolation, depression, a twenty-four hour, seven days a week mentality. Man was also granted a soul. With the easier and more convinient lifestyle that Man has created for itself, the soul is now more prone to suffer from neglect. When Man decided that the natural order of things wasn't to His liking, Man decided to tinker with things. The result of Man's tinkering ... vanishing beauty ~ in body, spirit, and soul. Is this what Man was to become?

5:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beauty is an innate and emotional perception of life's affirmative aspects — vitality, health, fertility, happiness, and goodness — within objects in the perceived world. In its most profound sense, the beauty engenders a sense of positive reflection on the meaning of one's own being within nature. Beauty Vanishes when we ignore life's affirmative aspects.

6:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fascinating analogy to Mary Shelley and her beautiful Frankenstein. Beauty vanishes when motivation dies, great article on the need for awareness in order to preserve the physical in the midst of mental stresses =]

11:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beauty doesn't vanish . . . only our ability to see it.


11:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the article is great. I think that beauty is a complement of spirit, body and brain.

5:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As the famous quote states, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. To each their own. The perception of beauty differs from person to person. Franz Kafka once said, 'Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old'. Everything has a certain time for itself, a limit to endurance. The same thought may be applied to our bodies. In order to become more academically successful, we read to further enhance our knowledge of the world and our surroundings. Reading the a thought provoking book is like giving your brain food. In order to keep it growing healthy, you feed it useful information, you feed it thoughts and ideas of others so that you may have a base from which to form your own thoughts. Imagine fueling our brains with useless content, what is the guarantee that it will grow if we dont nurture it with the proper 'food'? The same concept may be applied to our bodies. Fueling our body with harmful substances, such as the ones found in chips, decreases our bodily resources. The resources that help us function in our everyday lives. Everything in our lives is affected by how well we maintain our health. Imagine a sportsman who has liver complications due to alcohol abuse. Do you really think they will be able to give it their all? To give one hundred percent to their work?

Beauty comes in all shapes, forms, and sizes. It can be natural, it can be asthetic. However, it is maintaining that beauty that is the real underlying challenge. All good things must come to an end when it's time is up. Our bodies will shrivel and die when our time is up. To prematurly kill it with toxins from the wrong kinds of food is the true essence of our vanishing beauty.

12:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In a way, this story is correct. We do have a marvelous creator and he wants the best for us. Our sin is the reason for our apathy and unhealthy lifestyles. The creator has made a way to be made new. First we should make our relationship right with the creator, through His son Jesus the Christ. We need to ask forgivenss for our sin and then He will make us a new creation. Our bodies are now His and we should treat it as a His temple.He will give us the strength and wisdom if asked. I am working on the core muscle training so that I will be able to serve my maker in all I do, in the home and for my husband and children. I want to be healthy, strong,joyful, and fun: first, for my Lord; second, for my husband; third, for my children; last, for me.

7:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I definitely concur with the previous post!

I do push-ups to try to firm up but I think I'll have to try this core muscle training to get the entire workout necessary.


11:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oswaldo, my comments on this article are:
1. On my computer screen the left-hand margin does not show the first three or four characters on each line.
2. The title and the first three paragraphs are conceptually negative, in opposition to your fit photo. I found this confusing on first reading.
3. Positive results are not discussed until the fourth paragraph.
4. I would prefer to know what the purpose of the article is from the title and the first sentence of the first paragraph. Then I would have, as you mentioned to me, the 'context' of the article before I read the remainder.

12:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent article about creating the awareness for developing the mind set for fitness...I think that beauty vanishes when we don't understand how to express beauty and don't nourish or cultivate our awareness of beauty.

2:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In a way, the story could happend to everyone. How we experience beauty is quite unique to each individual. Beauty never vanishes as long as we cultivate beauty

2:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great article. Beauty vanishes when we stop loving ourself.

2:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need to visualize the specific changes if you truly want to change your look. What will any improvements you make look like? See yourself with a streamlined body, healthier hair, clearer skin, majestic posture. These changes are realistic and attainable. Stay away from goals you'll never reach.
Don't compare yourself with someone you've seen on the TV or movie screen or on the cover of a magazine. Accept your uniqueness and capitalize on it. If you learn to love yourself...beauty never vanishes!

11:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great analogy. It looks like core muscle is the way to sustain beauty....beauty vanishes when we stop taking care of our bodies. Lack of self-resptect destroys beauty.

11:19 PM  

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